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Sustainable development

Pioneer and committed

NIGAY contributes to everyone’s delight by sharing its caramel passion. We are developping a positive approach to the world by offering hight-quality, healthy, delicious caramels which, thanks to our process and strong investment policy, respect our planet. As a pioneer in sustainable development, we work hard to provide solutions to our customers in the long term.
Nearly 170 years of experience, Nigay, a team of passionates, experts, works to bring ever more innovations and to reply to the economical, environmental, and societal challenges in the food industry.

Nos 7 objectifs de développement durable et nos actions mises en place

ODD 6 - Clean water and sanitary facilities

• Treatment of our effluents since January 2022 at our Feurs site: construction of a pre-treatment station for our effluents before treatment by the town’s wastewater treatment plant (80% reduction in effluent pollution).
• Water sobriety plan

ODD 7 - Énergie propre et d’un coût abordable

• ISO 5001 certified - energy management.
• Energy mix

ODD 8 - Decent work and economic growth

• Deployment of an approach based on well-being in the workplace
• Safety culture with an annual action plan: awareness-raising, Health and Safety Day..
• Gender equality index 89/10 (a good index is between 75 and 85)

ODD 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

• Research policy
• Collaboration with universities.

ODD 12 - Responsible consumption and production

• Targets and programmes are in place to limit product loss
• Recycling into animal feed when internal recycling is not possible.

ODD 13 - Climate action

• Annual carbon footprint measuring
• A multidisciplinary CSR team integrates the upstream and downstream impacts of our activity

ODD 17 - Partnerships for the goals

• Industrial synergy
• Multimodal transport
• Patronage and endowment fund


We have based our development on quality and built upon this progressively. Sustainable development is the guideline of our strategy and policy: it is the cornerstone of our management philosophy and gives a meaning and direction to all of our actions.


We are members and involved in 3 caramel associations (French, European and International).

> SYFIC (Syndicat Français des Ingrédients caramels)

> EUTECA (European Technical Association)

> ITCA (International Technical Caramel Association)